Resilient Consultant update: Brainstorming training content
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Resilient Consultant update: Brainstorming training content

I'm brainstorming the tools I've personally found valuable in managing my own resilience. I'll build from here to develop an updated course outline.
Resilient Consultant update: Brainstorming training content

Second post on my update process for The Resilient Consultant course. Click here to read the previous post. Subscribe to get future updates.

Step 1 in my process to update The Resilient Consultant course is "Write down initial best guess content & structure (blank sheet)"

I've been through three rounds of brainstorming (by myself) to pull this together. The core question I've been thinking about is:

What concepts, tools, and frameworks have I found value from in managing my own resilience?

There are a lot! Here's the output from this initial brainstorm. You can see each of the five sections in more detail at the end of this post.

I'd love your reactions & feedback as I refine this to a final course outline.

FYI I'm using Miro as a mind-mapping tool - feel free to take a look at my live board.

I'll explain my thinking a bit in this article. Remember, this is a first pass at the content and broad structure. This helps me get to the things I think will be useful so I can start refining from there.

My next steps will be:

  1. Review existing content, learner feedback, & related courses on resilience
  2. Articulate the promises I want to make - what people will get from this course
  3. Refine the content down to the killer pieces that will help deliver those promises, and think through the most effective delivery methods (video, exercises, live calls etc.) to best help people

For now, I'm thinking about this in five buckets of content

I want to take people on a journey. Firstly helping them understand that the path they are on isn't their only option.

That's the core concept of "What's at Risk?" - asking what the risks of staying on the path you're on, vs trying to shift to a different way of showing up in the world.

Secondly, I want to introduce some powerful concepts that have helped me understand myself and how I show up in the world better. Self-awareness is a foundational tool to build resilience.

I have a lot of practical tools for managing resilience that I can take people through. Tools to understand & regulate your own emotional state, and to manage your own behaviours as a consultant.

My third section covers all of these.

Ways to better manage relationships with others. You can't be an effective consultant without building strong relationships with team-mates and / or clients. Human-to-human interactions matter!

Practical, consulting-specific, tools to stay in control of your projects and deliver calmly. And finally some important concepts to help maintain perspective.

The fourth section is all about monitoring impact - how to tell if the effort you're putting in to your self-awareness and resilience is paying off. I have a few different ways of thinking about this that are simple & practical to do.

Finally, to talk about support networks of various kinds. Those your consulting firm provides, those you can access personally, and those you can get as part of our Resilient Consultant community.

Here is a Zoom in on each of those five sections:

What's at Risk?


Practical Tools

Impact Monitoring

Support Network

That's it for now - I would love your feedback!

I'll be refining this for the rest of this week and crystallising to a final course outline. Subscribe to see that when it's published.

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