The 4 problem-solving tools Consultants use for innovative answers
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The 4 problem-solving tools Consultants use for innovative answers

4 powerful tools to come up with more creative solutions to client problems
The 4 problem-solving tools Consultants use for innovative answers

A core skill for consultants is problem-solving. Clients often bring us in to help put structure in place; to bring clarity to complex situations.

Structures are often distilled into frameworks. Many of those have become well established. Classic examples include Porter’s 5 Forces, or the BCG Growth/Share matrix.

Frameworks are powerful. Necessary even, for decision-making. A well designed framework helps organise the information we have. It enables us to make complex decisions clear.

But frameworks also come with risks. They can lead to one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter recommendations.

Creative & innovative solutions need a different approach. This doesn’t mean a free for all, structure is still important, but it requires methods that open up ideas rather than constraining thinking.

Here are four methods that can help consultants create more innovative recommendations:

1. Reverse Brainstorming

Reverse brainstorming is a powerful technique for generating out-of-the-box ideas.

The basic premise is simple. Instead of brainstorming ways to achieve a goal, you brainstorm ways to prevent it.

Here's an example. Say you're helping a client to find ways to grow revenue with a certain segment of customers.

You might brainstorm all the things that would stop them buying:
- Not selling via a certain channel
- Selling a different product
- Promoting to a different segment
- Changing the sales process

Through this process you can hone in on the things that are valuable to those customers. This in turn helps your clients develop that laser focus that is so important.

2. The Six Hats

The Six Hats technique is a framework for thinking. It helps you to look at problems from different perspectives.

Developed by Edward de Bono, The Six Hats addresses the tendency to think about problems in one way.

The six hats are:
- White Hat: The facts, what we know
- Red Hat: Emotions and intuition
- Black Hat: The negatives, the risks and downside
- Yellow Hat: The positives, the benefits and upside
- Green Hat: The creative, the possibilities and new ideas
- Blue Hat: The process, thinking about how people think

You can ask clients to 'wear' each hat (I recommend taking some into the meeting!) This helps clients shift their thinking and see things from new perspectives.

3. Knowledge Funnel

The knowledge funnel is a tool for structuring your thinking about a problem.

It starts with a broad question at the top of the funnel and then narrows it down as you progress through the stages.

The stages are:
- Aim: What is the goal?
- Implications: What are the implications of the goal?
- Alternatives: What are the different ways to achieve the goal
- Recommendation: What is the recommended course of action?

As ever, as a consultant, getting to that final recommendation is key to helping your clients.

4. The 5 Whys

The 5 Whys is a simple but effective tool for root cause analysis. It is a powerful tool often used by consultants.

The basic premise is that you keep asking why until you get to the root cause of a problem.

For example, if a client is struggling with revenue going backwards, you might ask:

  • Why are sales down? Target customers are not aware of us
  • Why are our target customers not aware of us? They are not seeing our marketing
  • Why are we not reaching our target market? Our marketing distribution isn't effective
  • Why is our marketing distribution not effective? We're not spending as much as competitors
  • Why did we not budget enough for marketing? We prioritised other investments

Asking why five times can help you get to the root cause of a problem so that you can solve it at its source.

Try these tools out next time you've got clients who are open to looking at problem through a different lens. You might crack open a whole new way of thinking!

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